Insights on risk management topics and tips and techniques for implementation.

A Hands-On Workshop to Help You Master Post-Market Surveillance postmarket surveillance risk management Feb 07, 2025

Medical devices are expected to operate safely and effectively throughout their entire lifecycle, not just at the point of regulatory review before marketing authorization. However, it proves to be qu...

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Tips for improving collaboration in risk management collaboration quality culture risk management Jan 22, 2024

Note: This is an excerpt of a podcast originally published on the Let's Talk Risk! newsletter. Listen to the full podcast here.

The practice of risk management in a heavily regulated industry such ...

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Feeling stuck? Focus on patient safety, not compliance. patient safety risk management safety culture Sep 25, 2023

We are stuck in a system focused on compliance. Switch your focus to patient safety instead to get unstuck!

If you ask anyone in the medical device industry why they do risk management, you are likel...

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Quick Tip - Be aware of the effect of risk perception risk analysis risk evaaluation risk management risk perception Jul 20, 2023

People perceive risks differently. Each one of us has our own perception of risk, which affects our judgments and decisions.

Research shows that risk perception influences our judgments and decisions...

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3C's to consider before selecting an ISO 14971 training course for certification iso 14971 certification iso 14971 training risk management Feb 06, 2023

If you are looking to get certified in medical device risk management according to ISO 14971, you are probably finding it hard to select the right ISO 14971 certification course that can help you buil...

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Risk management file structure made easy for ISO 14971 compliance audit preparation iso 1491 training iso 14971 compliance risk management tools Jan 23, 2023

ISO 14971 requires manufacturers to establish and maintain a risk management file for their medical devices. A risk management file (RMF) is an essential part of the risk management system, but it pro...

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Weekly Live Series, Episode 1: Understanding Hazard Analysis achievelivesessions fmea hazard analysis live series risk management Apr 29, 2022

This week, we kicked off our Weekly Live Discussion Series! We talked about Hazard Analysis and why it becomes challenging if you try to combine it within a FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis). Check...

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Use these 4 steps to define hazardous situations and foreseeable sequence of events failure mode fmea hazard analyis hazardous situation risk assessment risk management Feb 15, 2022

If you are using an FMEA to define sequence of events and hazardous situations relevant for your medical device, you are likely having a difficult time. Here is an easier, more direct way to meet ISO ...

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Coming Soon - ISO 14971:2019 Harmonization in the EU interactive q&a iso 14971 risk management Sep 27, 2021

According to the latest news, a final draft of the ZA and ZB annexes for harmonization of ISO 14971:2019 is currently going through the voting process

ISO 14971, the International Standard for Risk M...

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Evaluating Benefit-Risk of Medical Devices benefit-risk fda medical device risk management Sep 15, 2021

Evaluating benefit-risk of a medical device is no easy task because it involves making a decision about their safety and effectiveness with very limited information. 

There is no doubt that medical d...

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