Insights on risk management topics and tips and techniques for implementation.

Tips for a risk-based approach to auditing Quality Systems achievelivesessions mdsap qms audit risk based risk based auditing Jul 17, 2023

Medical devices are heavily regulated across the world. In general, manufacturers are required to establish an effective Quality System to comply with regulatory requirements for continued market acce...

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Weekly Live Series, Episode 6: Data Sources for Post-Market Surveillance achievelivesessions data postmarket surveillance Jun 22, 2022

Analysis of post-market data is critical to ensuring continued safety and effectiveness of our medical devices. It is also a requirement of ISO 14971:2019. A common practice in the medical device indu...

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Weekly Live Series, Episode 5: Effectiveness of Risk Management Process achievelivesession achievelivesessions effectiveness iso 14971 clause 10 management review process effectiveness Jun 06, 2022

ISO 14971 requires the top management to evaluate the suitability and continuing effectiveness of the risk management process for their medical device. But this evaluation is generally done rather imp...

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Weekly Live Series, Episode 4: Challenges of Using P1, P2 Approach achievelivesessions probability risk analysis risk estimation risk level May 23, 2022

Although not a mandatory requirement of ISO 14971, it is a common practice in the medical device industry to use the P1, P2 approach for estimating the probability of harm (POH). In many cases, there ...

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Weekly Live Series, Episode 3: Understanding Severity Levels achievelivesessions postmarket surveillance risk estimation severity warning letter May 16, 2022

In this episode, we focus on some of the practical challenges in implementing a severity scale to analyze the risk of harm associated with medical devices. Industry practice is to use a 1-5 scale wher...

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Weekly Live Series, Episode 2: Understanding Risk Estimation achievelivesessions risk analysis risk estimation May 09, 2022

Estimating risk of harm for your medical device is a requirement of ISO 14971:2019. However several practical challenges make it difficult to accurately estimate the risk of harm. This is partly becau...

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Weekly Live Series, Episode 1: Understanding Hazard Analysis achievelivesessions fmea hazard analysis live series risk management Apr 29, 2022

This week, we kicked off our Weekly Live Discussion Series! We talked about Hazard Analysis and why it becomes challenging if you try to combine it within a FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis). Check...

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